
Reading Treasury Connect Event


AV Production / 17.6.22

Treasury Connect Event


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    Premier support client with 48 hours’ notice for an audience with Rishi Sunak.

    When our client called asking us to help support them with a PA system for a live audience with Rishi Sunak that was being filmed for ITV news, we jumped into action. The event was part of a roadshow called a Treasury Connect Event.

    With 3 floors needing to be able to hear the presentation, we utilised the versatile L-Acoustics X8’s mounted on round base stands. In total, we installed 20 of these boxes to ensure that everyone could hear the Chancellor of the Exchequer. These were powered using L-Acoustic LA8 and LA4X amplifiers.

    Sennheiser G4 wireless microphones were provided for the presenters to use. Control was with a Yamaha QL1 digital desk, our sound engineer provided audio feeds to both the team from ITV and the internal camera team.

    Due to the layout of the building, the sound desk and amps etc were actually positioned under some stairs behind the presenters. The Yamaha StageMix app allowed the sound engineer to control each microphone remotely using an iPad Pro however from a position with good sight-lines.

    Our team also built a carpeted stage for the presentation to take place on, this 4m x 2m stage in Pewter coloured carpet helped to create a professional look and feel for the event.

    Need support for an upcoming event, our team would love to hear from you.

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