
Reading Green Horizon Summit at COP26


AV Production / 6.12.21

Green Horizon Summit at COP26


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    The Premier team were delighted to be asked to support the City of London Corporation with the Green Horizon Summit at COP26.

    Having worked with the corporation on a number of past events both virtual and hybrid, when we found out that they were hosting a 5-day hybrid event in Glasgow, our team were excited to be able to play a role in COP26.

    The event took place in the South Rotunda and featured 200+ speakers, with over 100 of them live from the studio that we created especially for the event.

    Our vMix PPU was integral to the event, this broadcast studio ‘on wheels’ was used to take the feeds from the 3 cameras as well as remote callers and mix together a TV standard broadcast.

    Cameras were fitted with autocue hoods to assist the presenters with their sessions.

    Our fabrication team built a bespoke lectern, news desk table as well as an impressive backdrop with inbuilt screen for hosting remote presenters.

    Lighting for the studio was provided with 16x LS 1380 soft panels, PARNels and Chauvet COLOrado panels.

    Audio was covered with a Yamaha QL1 with Shure Axient mics and Sennheiser EW300 G3 IEM’s for the presenters. L-Acoustics X8’s were used to provide audio foldback for the audience in the studio.

    The event took place over 5 days in November and was seen by an online audience of over 10,000 people.

    Feedback received has been overwhelmingly positive and we are looking forward to working on similar events in the future.

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